Contemplative-Based ResilienceTraining for Humanitarian Aid Workers

Ripa International Center Hilfligweg 10 CH-3172, Bern, Switzerland

Gayla Marie Stiles, Hugh Byrne and Ola Witkowska The CBR Project was developed for both national and international humanitarian and human rights workers, based in the field and the office......

Silent Winter Retreat : Ripa Awareness Meditation (RAM)

Ripa International Center Hilfligweg 10 CH-3172, Bern, Switzerland

With Dungsey Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche Mindfulness and awareness work together to bring acceptance of living situations as they are. Life is not regarded as source of rejection or indulgence, but.....

Vipassana Retreat

Ripa International Center Hilfligweg 10 CH-3172, Bern, Switzerland

With Fred von Allmen and Irene Bumbacher Register Now With sustained attention and benevolent awareness, we explore the true nature of body, heart and mind in direct contact with our.....

Bardo Teaching How to Die Every Day

Ripa International Center Hilfligweg 10 CH-3172, Bern, Switzerland

with Diego Hangartner Register Now The Bardo teachings of Tibetan Buddhism are profound and precious teachings that address both how to approach the transitory, momentary experience of this life and.....

Lojong: Training the Mind in Seven Points

with Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche Zoom/On Site The Seven Points of Mind Training belong to the category of teachings known in Tibetan as Lojong. They are part of the Mahayana school.....

Taksham Yeshe Tsogyal Drupchö

with Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche Zoom/On Site Through the Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal Drupchö, practitioners invite the healing energy of the wisdom deity and her mandala. This ritual allows practitioners to create.....

Enriching Gesar Drupchö 

with Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche Zoom/On Site The teachings of Gesar are critical to this age of degeneration. In essence, Gesar is the bodily emanation of Manjurshri, the speech of Avalokiteshvara,.....

Embrace Life: A silent Self-Compassion Meditation-Retreat

Ripa International Center Hilfligweg 10 CH-3172, Bern, Switzerland

With Steve Hickman and Regula Saner   What is a silent retreat? A silent retreat is an important moment in the life of a meditator that helps deepen personal meditation.....