Dear Friends,
What an incredible Summer Retreat we had!
The three Teachers of the Ripa Lineage gathered again for an incredible and well attended 3-week summer retreat.
The first week on the Four Incommensurable Thoughts was conducted by Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche who, once again, blew us away with his crystal clear and practical instructions on equanimity and Metta. We were deeply touched by his teachings. We highly recommend all students that were not present in the retreat to listen to the MP3 file. It is available for sale for 18 CHF/15 Euros/$ 17. You can write to if you wish to order.
The retreat continued with the traditional Drupchö of Yeshe Tsogyal on the second week, and the Enrichment Gesar Drupchö on the third week, guided by His Eminence, Dungsey Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche and Dungsey Lhuntrul Rinpoche. The overall atmosphere was incredibly inspiring, our feeling of “Sanghahood” getting ever stronger.
With this message, we also want to communicate to you the autumn/winter program at the RIC. We have the fortune to be hosting, for the first time in Europe – alongside Paris and Spain, Khenpo Tenzin Wangdu for an extended weekend of teachings on the Wisdom of the Middle Way.
We hope to welcome you again soon. All our best wishes in the Dharma for the new school year and fall season.
With Love and Gratitude,
The Ripa International Center and Ripa Ladrang Team.
1st Module: July 20 – 26
Ripa AwarenesMeditation (RAM) is a simple and effective method to stabilize the mind using SHAMATA, a millenary technique that uses breathing as a support to develop “mental calm”. Once the mind is settled, aspects of VIPASSANA meditation, or “penetrating vision”, are introduced, facilitating approaches that free the mind from conceptual fabrication.
With Geneviève Hamelet
Oct 31- Nov 3, 2019
Buddhist Philosophy I: The Wisdom of the Middle Way Based on Nagarguna’s text
The central topic of this text is the understanding of emptiness of self and all phenomena, which are devoid of inherent existence and interdependently originated.
Two evenings of teaching followed by a full weekend. First level of a five-year curriculum to learn and deepen the foundations of Buddhist philosophy.
With Khenpo Tenzin Wangdu
November 23-24, 2019
In Tibetan language, “Yo” means Yoga: “Gom” means meditation. Yogom is a set of exercises developed from traditional yoga postures, breathing exercises and meditation. The meditation technique used in this practice is Shiné (or Shamata in Sanskrit) aimed particularly at soothing the mind and settling the body.
With Cynthia Jouffre
End of Year Silent Retreat
December 27, 2019 – January 3, 2020
Ripa Awareness Meditation
Seven-day residential silent retreat on awareness meditation
During this end-of-year retreat Rinpoche will unfold and guide participants through the key elements of the “Ripa Awareness Meditation”, a method that combines elements of Shamata, that help calm and settle the mind, with Vipassana meditation that helps develop insight and penetrating vision.