The Ripa Ladrang Foundation is pleased to announce a unique opportunity to attend a talk with:
Rinpoche will give a teaching on how to practice shiné meditation, and discuss how meditation supports wisdom, how to develop a proper understanding of interdependence and emptiness, and how the development of a sense of gratitude, loving kindness, and compassion enables us to become socially engaged Buddhists. Rinpoche will explore how that might best be expressed for each of us individually, through how we relate to our environments, ourselves, our communities and our spiritual path.
“The only way to know mind and to attain wisdom is through meditation. In repose, in space, in silent time, answers can come. Wisdom and insight wash away problems. Transformation occurs in stillness. Through the practice of mindfulness, the elementary harmony that creates wind horse – the Tibetan expression for positive energy – is created. Relaxation will then translate into everyday life and bring benefits. Internal change will bring external change. When we are clear and equipped with insight, we are in a place to help others. It is by developing wisdom and compassion that we are able to be of the greatest assistance to others…. compassion heals.”
– Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche
This event is coming soon in the Summer of 2015.
If you are interested to attend, please contact: info@ripaladrang.org
The event suggested donation is: $50.00