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Dear Friends of the Ripa International Sangha, we are very sorry to inform you that the upcoming Winter Retreat with Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche will be held ONLINE only.

Given the current surge in Covid cases throughout Europe and the new regulations put in place by the Swiss Federal Council as of December 6, 2021, it did not make sense to maintain the residential participation. We know how much everyone was anticipating this rare opportunity to be near our precious Teacher, Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche. But for now, we will wait until Springtime when Rinpoche will hopefully be among us once again.

In the meantime, we are very happy that Rinpoche has accepted to offer the Winter Retreat ONLINE. Please note that the schedule has been slightly modified to better adapt to the online setting. You may proceed with your online registration, if you have not done so. On the registration form, please choose the option: “I participate online only”.

We are also very happy to share with you that Rinpoche will give a one-day teaching on RAM (Ripa Awareness Meditation), organized by Ripa Russia. That information is listed in the link below.

With Love & Gratitude,
Ripa International and Ripa Ladrang Foundation
Ripa Awareness Meditation
December 12th
9:00 – 14:30 (Central European Time)
Via Zoom
Ripa Awareness Meditation Day
Led By Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche

Organized by Ripa Russia,
For any questions, please write to:

More Info & Registration