Registration Is Now Open for the Ripa International 2016 Winter Retreat in Switzerland from December 26, 2016 – January 1, 2017
We are very pleased to announce that registration is now open for the Ripa International Winter Retreat beginning Monday, December 26 – Sunday, January 1, 2017 near Bern, Switzerland.
Vipassana – Meditation
The experience of emptiness in one of the most puzzling aspects of Buddha’s teachings. While we can intuitively relate to the truth of impermanence, it is difficult for most of us to understand the notion of emptiness which is often likened to a vacuum or a sort of deprivation; yet, according to Buddha’s teachings, the experience of emptiness plays a central role in liberating beings from pain and suffering.
During this year-end retreat, Dungsey Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche will guide participants into exploring this experience of emptiness as a key insight into transforming our lives. Building upon basic teachings and guided practice, he will train participants to develop “ways of looking” that will help free the mind from conceptual fabrication.
Dungsey Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche
Jigme Rinpoche is known for his fluency in English and his lively, direct and down-to-earth teaching style. His clear and fresh outlook very quickly cut through cultural and personal misperceptions about Buddhadharma as well as ancient ways and modern life. Jigme Rinpoche travels frequently between the East and West actively leading and caring for the Ripa monasteries in Nepal and India, along with their growing monastic communities. He continues his teachings throughout the world with the Padma Ling and the Ripa Ladrang Foundations.
Ripa International Center (RIC)
Landguet Reid
Hilfigweg 10, CH – 3172
Niederwangen (Bern), Switzerland