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“According to the Vajrayana Buddhist approach, emotions are the fuel that ignite our wisdom and compassion.”  Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche 
Dear Friends of the Ripa International Sangha,

According to the Buddha’s teachings, emotions are a fundamental part of who we are, an expression of our basic intelligence and creative energy. Connecting to our essence without judging or repressing helps release our powerful and creative energy to respond wisely and constructively to everyday situations. Furthermore, according to the Vajrayana Buddhist path, the five wisdom energies provide a framework for transforming them into wisdom and compassion.

During this upcoming weekend’s teachings at the Ripa International Center in Switzerland, Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche will present different tools that the Buddhist path offers for working with our emotions. The program will be taught in English with translation into German, French, Spanish, Russian and Vietnamese.


Ripa Programs

Sunday, May 2nd, 10:00 – 11:30

A Journey to Inner Freedom

With Matthieu Ricard

In this talk, Matthew will give a unique account of the human spirit’s search for its deep and universal nature on the Buddhist path.  He will share with us the inspirations that have shaped his journey, including practical advice on the practice of meditation and the cultivation of compassion with relevance in our world of turmoil.

Matthieu Ricard has been a scientist and a Buddhist monk for over forty years, as well as the author of numerous books. He honors us with a third visit to the Ripa International Center, this time virtually.

More Information & Registration

Sunday, April 18th
10:00 – 12:00 noon // 14:30 – 16:30
Ngöndro Accumulation via Zoom
Monthly Accumulation of Ngöndro Online via Zoom.
Future Dates: Sunday, May 16th and Sunday, June 13th
More Information & Registration

New Website

Ripa International Center

A New Website for the Ripa International Center Has Arrived!

We are pleased to share with you a new website for our Center. It was developed by Rudy Kirch, David Kremmel’s collaborator, with whom we have already worked with on the Landguet Ried website project.

Thanks to all of you, enjoy discovering our new website and happy surfing!

With Love and Gratitude,
The Entire RIC and Ripa Ladrang Team