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Dear Friends of the Ripa International Sangha, 

We are very sorry to inform you that Ven. Dungsey Lhuntrul Rinpoche must postpone his teaching on the Yidam and Hayagriva empowerment scheduled for May 20 – 22,  2022. The construction of a new Gesar Temple in the Orissa monastery requires his presence; therefore, we need to revise this date.

However, the good news is that Rinpoche has already accepted to give this teaching on September 9 -11,
2022. Please note the new date on your calendar. Your registration can be maintained for this new date, unless you wish to cancel; in that case, we will refund your fee.

We are very sorry for this inconvenience. Sometimes events happen for a reason, especially when we are dealing with such special Masters!

We wish you all a good week ahead and all the best wishes.

Begoña and the RIC team

 Ripa International Summer Retreat

July 23 – August 11*
OnsiteRIPA INTERNATIONAL SUMMER RETREATWith the three Masters of the Ripa Lineage,
Registrations will open soon, stay tuned!

More Info

*Please note that the Summer Retreat will end one day earlier than previously announced.

Regular Activities

Daily at 7am (CET)Practice of Gesar Lhasang, with dedication of merit to pacify the world situation with monthly Tsok on specific dates.Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 822 0689 3520
Passcode: 823300

Monthly PujasMonthly Pujas
You may check the calendar of monthly pujas on this link and join the practice on the Zoom link below.
Onsite and OnlineJoin Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 822 0689 3520
Passcode: 823300

Medicine BuddhaAt 11 am on the first Sunday of each month:
Onsite and OnlineJoin Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 822 0689 3520
Passcode: 823300