“The Buddha Dharma is the ultimate source of happiness and refuge for all beings. We should preserve it through practice and so preserve the precious lineage of living wisdom teachings. In order to do this, the monastic setting is indispensable. Such a sanctuary radiates positive energy and promotes peace, harmony, happiness and liberty throughout the entire universe.” – H.E. Namkha Drimed Rabjam Rinpoche
Dear Friends,
We hope this message finds you well.The 5th livestream teaching will begin this Saturday, September 26th. We will be presenting this special practice and program over several weeks called “The 37 Practices of the Bodhisattva” taught by Khenpo Tenzin Wangdu. Using the Zoom Application, we will “livestream” this teaching and meditation from the Rigon Tashi Choeling Monastery in Nepal. We will end our teaching with a 15 minute Q & A. Practicing together is a form of generosity to ourselves and to others.

Ripa Upcoming Livestream Teachings via Zoom – “The 37 Practices Of The Bodhisattva”
We will continue to offer a weekly “Livestream” event beginning this Saturday, October 3rd running through Saturday, November 21st, 2020 at the times listed below.
To download and import the 8 remaining dates on iCalendar (.ics) CLICK HERE. The starting time for each teaching will be the same each week.
6:45 AM – 7:45 AM PDT (Pacific Daylight Time)
9:45 AM – 10:45 AM EDT (Eastern Daylight Time)
Register Now
We are looking forward to seeing you on Zoom once again! Please consider arriving 10 -15 minutes early for this teaching and also offering a donation to help us cover some of our livestream, administrative and teaching costs for each of these events. |
Enter The Meeting
To access this ZOOM meeting, please click the link below.
Meeting ID: 835 5652 3284
Passcode: 177065
If you don’t have the ZOOM App already, download it here.
If you already have the ZOOM App, please make sure to update your account to the latest version. |
With Love and Gratitude,
Ripa Ladrang Foundation |
Khenpo Tenzin Wangdu – Biography
Khenpo Tenzin Wangdu was born in 1982 in Tibet. At the age of 13, he became a monk in the Ripa Lineage Monastery, where he studied philosophy and learned to perform rituals. A few years later he went to India and continued his studies of Buddhist philosophy at the Higher Institute of Ngagyur Nyingma of the monastery of His Holiness Penor Rinpoche. He completed the nine-year program of education there and due to his extensive knowledge, his understanding of Buddhist teachings, and his contribution to the students’ education, he received the title of Khenpo. This is the highest academic degree awarded to a fully initiated monk. Currently Khenpo is teaching students at the Rigon Tashi Choling Monastery in Pharping, Nepal.