Dear Friends,
On behalf of His Eminence Namkha Drimed Rinpoche and the Ripa Masters, we thank you for your generous donation to support the health and well-being of the monks in the Ripa Monasteries in Nepal and India during this difficult time. Your donation demonstrates compassion and concern for the monks who live a life dedicated to others, and continuously pray for our collective well-being and good health.
Nepal and India continue to struggle with the surge in COVID-19 cases; however, at this time, of the more than 100 monks in the Nepal and India Ripa monasteries that contracted and fell ill with the virus, all but a few have fully recovered and thankfully, none of the monks had to go to the hospital for treatment. Those still dealing with the virus are being cared for within the monasteries and strict isolation plans are in place to prevent further spread of the virus. With your support, the monasteries have been able to purchase PCR tests, sanitation supplies, medical support equipment, medicines and nutritious food, which they could not have obtained with their limited resources.
Support for monks is a powerful way to express our gratitude to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who continuously work for our benefit. Monks preserve and advance Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism and inspire us with their dedication to dharma. Your gifts to help the monks in the Ripa Monasteries send tremendous blessings to a weary world and plant seeds of enlightenment for countless beings.
Thank you again for your support. We hope that all will come out of this pandemic very soon! |