Chandragiri, Orissa
I would like to share with you the following message and advice my Father sent to Tibet during the first outbreak of corona-virus. The monasteries in Tibet and Asia have been doing many pujas for the protection and healing of this illness.
I would like to say how concerned I am and send my prayers and thoughts at this difficult time. In the words of Kyabje Namkha Trimed Rinpoche:
“In this age of extreme materialistic culture, fueled by aggression and self-centeredness, it is clear we are mentally and emotionally becoming more disturbed and unhappy. We have caused irreparable damage to our environment and natural resources; as a result, earthquakes, fires, storms, and flooding are frequently ravaging the balance of life around the world, by exploiting earth and space. This has also disturbed and destroyed natural dwellings of non-human beings and spirits. Our collective ignorance of inter-dependency and sheer absence of human heart of kindness and compassion are appalling.”
Unfortunately, we now face a constant threat of illnesses of epidemic scale causing enormous suffering and fear, corona-virus among them.
At the same time, fortunately, difficult times like this one give rise to human solidarity and opportunity to invoke our innate feeling of loving-kindness, care and compassion for all beings so that the diseases stop and we may quickly recover from devastation. In order to cleanse our collective Karmic deeds, get protection from illnesses and the effect of harmful spirits, we should all pray and recite the Mantra of Guru Rinpoche, who has the compassion and power to grant us liberty from this harm and suffering.
Everyone is encouraged to recite this Mantra of Guru Drakpo (wrathful Guru) individually or collectively:
- Om Pema Shavari Phet, Nen Par Shik, Naga Nen, Tadyatha, Sarva Vririta, Hana Hana Bezar Na, Raksha Raksha, Svaha!
- Guru Rinpoche Seven Line Prayer
- Sangay Menla Mantra
Besides seeking advice from the competent health authorities, please do remain calm.
May Peace and Health Prevail on Earth.
Yours sincerely,
Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche